Lok - Drums

Lok, Drums

Qui est-il ?

Nom : Lok
Rôle dans le groupe : Drums

Groupes favoris

Accept, Iron Maiden, Metalllica, Loreena MacKennnit, Pink Floyd

Albums préférés

Staying A Life (Accept); Piece of Mind, Somewhere in Time (Maiden); Ride the Lightning (Metallica) A Book of Secrets (loreena MacKennitt); The Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall (Pink Floyd)

Chansons préférées

Metal Heart, Restless and Wild/Son of A Bitch (Accept), Wasted Years, Where Eagles Dare (Maiden), Master of Puppets (Metallica); Dante's Prayer (Loreena MacKennitt); Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd)


Accept, Maiden, Metallica, Loreena MacKennit, Pink Floyd